What is Event Mapper?
Event Mapper shows spectators at events the best places to watch the action safely. They get all the info they need to enjoy the event via their phone.
Events are complex environments. The course moves, spectator sites are different every day, and spectating is time sensitive. You must be standing in the right place at the right time or you miss the action.
Event Mapper is available to meet your event needs quickly and in a cost-effective manner.
Maps containing all the important information – where can I park? Where’s the best place to stand? Where’s the food?
Suitable for any geographically dispersed event, such as car rally, running, cycling or multisport races.
Combine high quality maps with exclusive content to give fans the best possible event experience on the day.
Featured project:
"Rally Mapper" developed for spectators at World Rally event
Who we are
Abley is a specialist New Zealand owned transport planning, road safety and geospatial technology company. Founded in 2003, we work with organizations in New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, U.S., and Canada across central, local government and large organizations.
We develop transport strategies and infrastructure solutions that support safer travel, improved accessibility, and greater mobility for our clients and in turn, their customers.
The products and services that we design leverage our expertise in transport planning, engineering, road safety, location data and geospatial systems.
We are passionate about inspiring positive change.