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Community & Place

We deliver active modes design, sustainable transport and community engagement.

Digital & Spatial Technology

We create efficiencies with our spatial, software development, and digital engineering solutions.

Road Safety

We support positive safety outcomes from the street to the transport network.

Strategy & Planning

Delivering business cases, traffic modelling, economic assessments, and public transport innovation.

Transport Design & Engineering 

We deliver designs through collaboration with practitioners to shape transport solutions.

Land Development

We apply our transport expertise to support clients through the land development process.


Measure your employee’s commuting emissions.


A data-driven approach for road safety practitioners to identify risks.


Quickly and easily get detailed traffic and mobility data.

Partner Products

We partner with TomTom and HERE to provide transport and traffic data solutions.

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Applying our research expertise to provide practical based solutions.


Explore our Webinars and Video Series.

Our Team

Our team of skilled professionals provide insightful solutions and empowering advice.

Our Story

Since 2003, we’ve been providing transport solutions in New Zealand and internationally. 

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We’re connected and committed to our people, the community and the environment.

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Explore our Webinars and Video Series.



esri webinar
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How to Take a Network-Wide Approach to Road Safety

Abley discusses how GIS tools are allowing road safety practitioners to take a proactive, network-wide approach to assessing and improving horizontal curve safety on rural roads.

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The FME Fireside Podcast team
FME Data Solutions Fireside Chat

Join the Abley Digital Engineering team as they discuss all things FME. 

TomTom stats
An Introduction to TomTom Traffic Analytics Tools

Learn the differences between TomTom Real-Time and Historical Traffic, get inspired by relevant use cases and knowledge of the tools, and come out ready to tackle your traffic challenges.

Cycle path in Auckland
CarbonWise - measure your commuting emissions

Sustainability Specialist Benjamin Walch explains how CarbonWise works for organisations, and demonstrate the software.

Man coding on his laptop
Optimising your technology - It’s all about the Z factor!

This is your opportunity to glean insights into making the most of your FME and Esri tools from our experts.

Landscape image showing location markers across a city
Tips and tricks for using your location technology

Tips and tricks for making the most of your investment in Esri and FME technology.

Covid-19 Locations of Interest map
Mapping Data in Near Real-Time

Walk through the process Abley went through to display the Ministry of Health’s Covid locations of interest into a fully automated map that updates in real time. The map has received over 70,000 views and continues to be a useful map as new locations are identified.

Safer urban environment in Sumner, Christchurch.
Creating safe urban environments

Presentations focused on "Creating Safe Urban Environments".

Landscape of Taupo
Road safety management for local government (Austroads)

This webinar, held provides an overview of Austroads guidance on contemporary best practice methods for developing and implementing road safety management frameworks for local government.

New Zealand Highway
Best practice in road safety infrastructure programs (Austroads)

This webinar provides best practice recommendations for the development of Road Safety Infrastructure Programs (RSIPs) that align with the safe system approach.

busy highway in one direction.
Embedding safe system in the guide to traffic management (Austroads)

This webinar provides an overview of a Safe System review of the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management (AGTM).

The Devil's Staircase view point, Queenstown / New Zealand
Improving the effectiveness of safety programs

Why are our national and local road safety programs not achieving the (network) safety reductions in deaths and serious injuries? This webinar will discuss the reason why road safety benefits are being overestimated and how road controlling authorities might go about developing programs that achieve the desired network safety results.

Pedestrian Crossing
Tactile installation design

This webinar is for anyone involved in the design, installation and construction supervision of tactile ground surface indicators (TGSIs/tactile paving).

Visualisation in Queenstown
Transport today - behaviours and practices

These mini-presentations focus on local New Zealand government examples and will be a great opportunity to get an overview of evolving practices around the country and how best to respond to our changing transport environment.

Escooter & Bicycle passing by
Capitalising on commuter travel changes

This webinar is aimed at HR representatives, sustainability champions, facility managers and anyone else with an interest in improving staff well-being or sustainability. Abley's travel-planning experts discuss the importance of travel in the context of well-being and emissions, simple steps to understand how your workplace is performing in terms of supporting good travel choices, and why now is the time to act.

Man walking outside
Pedestrian planning concepts (Austroads)

This webinar focuses on how to better plan for high quality walking environments in our towns and cities. It highlights the Guide to Traffic Management series which has recently been updated to incorporate international good practice pedestrian planning and design guidance.

The Crossing, Christchurch
Measuring pedestrians - survey and audit methods (Austroads)

This webinar focuses on how to measure walking activities. The session highlights the Guide to Traffic Management series which has recently been updated to incorporate international good practice pedestrian planning and design guidance.

Shared space - street
Pedestrian planning and design for activity centres (Austroads)

This webinar focuses on the planning and design considerations that contribute to walkable activity centres - vibrant places where people shop, work, meet, relax and often live.

Pedestrian planning and design for residential areas (Austroads)

This webinar focuses on the planning and design considerations for walkable residential neighbourhoods, both new and existing, and where to find that guidance in Austroads’ guides.

Busy multimodal intersection in New Zealand
Pedestrian planning and design at intersections (Austroads)

This webinar presents how to ensure intersections are planned and designed appropriately for pedestrians, and where to find that guidance in Austroads’ guides.

Busy crossing
Midblock crossings for pedestrians (Austroads)

This webinar focuses on how to ensure pedestrian crossings are planned and designed appropriately, and where to find that guidance in Austroads’ guides.

Pedestrian streets, no cars.
Road space allocation for pedestrians (Austroads)

This webinar series steps practitioners through the updated pedestrian planning and design information. It presents how to ensure pedestrians are catered for appropriately in road cross sections, and where to find that information in the Austroads guides.

15-minute city map
Planning for a Sustainable Future

Watch 2 insightful presentations from our Team:

Vehicle emissions update and application

The 15 minute city

People walking on pavement
Planning and designing for pedestrians

Watch 2 insightful presentations from our Team:

Walking related guidance

What is walkability?

Sustainability and fleets (Global Fleet Champions)

With an increased focus on reducing carbon emissions and the importance of more sustainable and active travel, fleets have an important role to play in helping to make transport more sustainable. From switching to electric vehicles, to car-share and active travel schemes, there are a number of options available to organisations, all of which come with numerous benefits, but also challenges for fleets.

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Video Series


Safe System 3
The Safe System: An International Approach

Join Gavin Jeter and road safety experts Paul Durdin and Dr. Shane Turner as they discuss an international approach to road safety: the Safe System Approach.

What is the proactive vs reactive approach to road safety?

Join Gavin Jeter and experts Paul Durdin and Dr. Shane Turner as they discuss the differences between proactive and reactive approaches to road safety.

Insights from the ITE Annual General Meeting

Join Shane Turner and Steve Abley as they discuss the highlights and insights from the ITE Annual General Meeting.

TRB insights with Gavin and Steve
Insights from the TRB International Roadside Safety Conference 2024

Join Gavin Jeter and Steve Abley as they discuss the highlights and insights from the TRB International Roadside Safety Conference.

FME Fireside video
Talking FME Community with Mark Ireland | FME Fireside

Join our Digital Engineering Team as they discuss the new FME Community update with FME Evangelist, Mark Ireland.

What is the Safe System Approach
What is the Safe System Approach?

Join Gavin Jeter and experts Paul Durdin and Dr. Shane Turner as they discuss the Safe System Approach to road safety. Discover how this ethical philosophy that is adopted in over 100 countries, transforms road safety practices worldwide..

Christmas FME episode
Every FME Data Format Ranked! | FME Fireside

Join our Digital Engineering Team as they rank all your favorite data formats for use with #FME in our latest Fireside Chat.

Fireside - history
FME keeps getting better and better | FME Fireside

Join the Abley DE Team as they reminisce on some of the performance and ease of use improvements to FME over the years.

Fireside Chats 2023
Utilising FME to integrate business systems | FME Fireside

Hamish, Todd and Gavin share their experience integrating business systems using FME. The examples include Hubspot, WorkflowMax, and ProjectWorks.

Hamish and Gavin - Fireside
FME User Conference 2023 - Part 2 | FME Fireside

Join Gavin and Hamish as they discuss the FME User Conference - The Peak of Data Integration in Bonn, Germany.

Fireside online
FME User Conference 2023 - Part 1 | FME Fireside

Join Gavin and Hamish as they discuss the first day of the FME User Conference - The Peak of Data Integration in Bonn, Germany.

Gavin Jeter
Gavin's story - What makes NZ a great place to live, and Abley a great place to work

Gavin Jeter, Principal FME Specialist and Business Delivery Manager for Abley's Digital Engineering team, moved to New Zealand from Kansas, USA in October 2019 and is based in our Christchurch office.

Joe Draper
Jo's story - What makes Abley a great place to work

Josephine (Jo) Draper, Associate Transport Planner at Abley, moved to Auckland, New Zealand from the UK in 2009 and is now based in our new Wellington office.

Careers - MP
Marco's story - What makes Abley a great place to work

Marco Poetsch, Senior Spatial Advisor at Abley, moved to New Zealand from Austria in 2016 and is now based in Nelson, working from home.

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