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Utilize innovative data-driven tools that optimize time, resource allocation, and deliver real results. Our range of products within the Abley SafeSystem suite provide you with valuable information to aid in reducing crashes and lives lost on our roads.
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Take a proactive approach to road safety

About our Abley SafeSystem product suite

Abley SafeSystem is a suite of products designed to help road safety professionals address different risks across their State Highway networks. Embracing the principles of the Safe System Approach, each product provides insights to support the reduction in fatal and serious injuries for all road users.

Explore our Abley SafeSystem products


Horizontal curves are one of the most challenging features on high-speed rural roads. SafeCurves is a data-driven approach for road safety practitioners to identify and prioritize high-risk curves across an entire State Highway network. SafeCurves helps target interventions, such as curve advisory speeds and warning signs, to improve curve safety.


SafeRoads is a proactive approach to assessing network risk and identifying the relative safety of road segments across an entire State. It uses roadway geometry and design, land use, and operational characteristics. It enables road safety practitioners to target interventions based on risk to road users ahead of safety issues manifesting as crashes. 


Highest risk crash types often occur at intersections and so, they are one of the areas where the greatest reduction in death and serious injuries can be achieved. SafeIntersections uses movement codes, road user involvement, temporal, and environmental factors to identify high-risk intersections and propose effective treatments.


In the USA, pedestrian and cyclist fatalities increased by 17% (over 7,000) and 14% (almost 1,000) respectively from 2019 to 2021. SafePeople supports road safety practitioners to understand and identify locations of high-risk to vulnerable road users.


Designing an urban environment for people can help reduce deaths and injuries. SafeStreets enables road safety practitioners to assess network risk in urban environments and identify high-risk street segments. It uses urban street characteristics to target interventions based on risk to road users and improve safety outcomes. 

Contact us today to learn more about our Abley SafeSystem products

Learn how SafeCurves can help your organization


The Safe System Approach to saving lives

The Safe System is an evolution from traditional road safety approaches of reducing the number of crashes to reducing harm to road users. 

The Safe System follows these guiding principles: 

  • People make mistakes.

  • People are vulnerable and the system should be managed within human biomechanical injury limits.

  • There is a shared responsibility on road designers, operators, and users to create a Safe System. Designers and operators, as system managers provide safe road environments, ensuring the system is forgiving. Road users are also responsible for adhering to the road rules and driving responsibly.

  • All parts of the system need to be strengthened so if one pillar fails, other pillars will protect people from death or serious injury.

Fundamentally, the Safe System approach takes the view that humans make mistakes, therefore realistically, some crashes are inevitable. The severity of the crashes must be reduced to reduce harm. To achieve this reduction in trauma we need all road users, road designers, enforcers, and educators, to work together to achieve a safe system.

There are five pillars in the Safe System which are shown in the diagram. All parts of the Safe System must be strengthened to proactively reduce deaths and serious injuries on the road network.  


Safe System Pillars


Get in touch 

If you’ve got a question or want to chat to us further about our Abley SafeSystem products, complete the form and we’ll respond as soon as possible.

We look forward to talking with you.

Who we are 

Abley is a specialist New Zealand owned transport planning, road safety and geospatial technology company. Founded in 2003, we work with organizations in New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, U.S., and Canada across central and local government and large organizations.  

We develop transport strategies and infrastructure solutions that support safer travel, improved accessibility, and greater mobility for our clients and in turn, their customers.   

The products and services that we design leverage our expertise in transport planning, engineering, road safety, location data and geospatial systems. 

We are passionate about inspiring positive change. 
