Designing the bus priority on the
Western Express (WX1) bus route
Abley is proud to be a part of the WX1 bus route improvements journey.
Abley was part of the design review team for the interchanges on SH16 for WX1 and on the only bus priority measure on the arterial link of the WX1 route on Newton Road.
Abley worked with Auckland Transport (AT) to investigate, develop options and design the right turning bus pocket on Newton Road at Karangahape Road as this was identified as the critical link and bottleneck for the WX1 service coming into the city.
The work involved developing multiple options that provide bus priority for the WX1 service and improve cycling infrastructure at the intersection. Abley, AT and Waka Kotahi worked together to come up with multiple options and develop concept designs. The complex vehicle tracking and traffic modelling we undertook for this intersection meant the project became a reality.
Congratulations to Auckland Transport and NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi for the initiative and successful implementation. Great work!

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