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Community & Place

We deliver active modes design, sustainable transport and community engagement.

Digital & Spatial Technology

We create efficiencies with our spatial, software development, and digital engineering solutions.

Road Safety

We support positive safety outcomes from the street to the transport network.

Strategy & Planning

Delivering business cases, traffic modelling, economic assessments, and public transport innovation.

Transport Design & Engineering 

We deliver designs through collaboration with practitioners to shape transport solutions.

Land Development

We apply our transport expertise to support clients through the land development process.


Measure your employee’s commuting emissions.


A data-driven approach for road safety practitioners to identify risks.


Quickly and easily get detailed traffic and mobility data.

Partner Products

We partner with TomTom and HERE to provide transport and traffic data solutions.

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Our Team

Our team of skilled professionals provide insightful solutions and empowering advice.

Our Story

Since 2003, we’ve been providing transport solutions in New Zealand and internationally. 

Our Commitment

We’re connected and committed to our people, the community and the environment.

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Tracy Fleming

Associate Transportation Engineer
MSc Eng, BA(Hons)

Tracy is an Associate Transportation Engineer in the Community and Place Team. Tracy has experience developing national guidance, research, local strategies/action plans and schemes to deliver more accessible and connected neighbourhoods. Using her expertise, Tracy can tailor the suite of tools available to meet the needs of your community.

About Tracy

Tracy completed her geography degree at Staffordshire University.  After working at Birmingham City Council and a West Midlands based consultancy, Tracy completed an MSc in Transport Planning and Engineering whilst working full time.

Tracy had a wide range of transport policy and strategy development experience in both councils and consultancy in New Zealand, the UK and Ireland.  Planning for schools, pedestrians, cycling and public transport in each of these locations has resulted in extensive community and political engagement; alongside planning and design opportunities and challenges.  She also has experience developing school and work travel plans for both councils and companies.

Tracy has always focused on providing a transport system that supports as much independent travel as possible for people with disabilities.  Throughout her career, she has worked with advocacy groups and communities to change policy and design outcomes.

Tracy moved to Christchurch in 2007.  Based in Christchurch, Tracy has worked throughout Aotearoa, allowing her to apply local knowledge to your project needs.

Get in touch

Contact Tracy if you the focus of your work is on creating spaces for people. We can combine our innovative transport capabilities with spatial and software solutions. The ability to take transport solutions to the next level creates a unique opportunity to create a safe, attractive and accessible transport system for all of our whanau and community.