Stacy Rendall
Associate Software Engineer
PhD BE(Hons) MEngNZ
Stacy is a web and software developer with a background in transport and spatial research.
He helps organizations solve extremely difficult problems and can take solutions all the way from research and analysis through to developing user friendly tools.
About Stacy
After initially gaining a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, Stacy completed a PhD in Energy Systems Engineering. His thesis research involved developing a GIS-based model assessing the adaptability of household travel to energy constraints and emissions reductions, which combined elements of transport accessibility, activity modelling and energy systems.
Stacy worked on his thesis with the team Abley between 2010 and 2012, during which time he also contributed to Waka Kotahi Research Reports on travel profiling and neighborhood accessibility, and developed the Abley Cycle Route Choice Methodology. After a two-year Postdoc at the University of Canterbury in 2014 he returned to Abley full-time for a year, developing the Australasian Pedestrian Crossing Facility Selection Tool for Austroads and creating a methodology for school prioritization on the basis of active mode travel risk.
Over 2015-2017, while in Scotland for his OE, Stacy worked on a UK DfT Transport Technology Innovation Grant (T-TRIG) project for which he researched and developed a web tool to assist students in travelling to school safely, and later worked as a full-stack web developer and GIS consultant focusing on APIs, algorithm integration and mobile applications.
Since returning to Abley in 2017 Stacy has been instrumental in founding and growing the Software Development team within Abley while continuing to apply his unique research and development skills to assist a wide range of organizations.
Stacy loves the creative process and challenge involved in understanding a problem then designing solutions and creating tools to solve it. He enjoys making use of his engineering background to develop solutions to emergent problems and operate in new domains.