SafeCurves Release Notes
SafeCurves Version 2024.2 beta
This technical note contains information to accompany the version 2024.2 beta release of SafeCurves. This software release is intended for U.S application.
- What's in this release
- Data, Applications and Compatibility
- Upgrading
- New features and Improvements
- Known Issues or Limitations
What's in this release
SafeCurves 2024.2 beta contains the following datasets, features and utilities:
SafeCurves: Identify – A dataset that locates and categorizes the safety of individual horizontal curves in road networks in the United States.
SafeCurves: Prioritize – An accompanying dataset that offers a corridor-based method to prioritize curves.
SafeCurves: Interventions – An accompanying dataset that ensures systematic and consistent application of horizontal alignment signs and advisory speeds on road networks in the United States.
SafeCurves Application – Enables web-based viewing of SafeCurves data on the road network of the United States.
API explorer – Enables access, selection, and connection to SafeCurves: Identify, SafeCurves: Prioritize, SafeCurves: Interventions for integration into your GIS and related systems.
Data, Applications and Compatibility
SafeCurves – Identify, Prioritize, Interventions: Abley_SafeCurves_v6_USA_20241029.gpkg
Identify: SC_ID 6.18.0,
Prioritize: SC_PR 6.18.0,
Interventions: SC_IN 6.18.0
Applications and API access
SafeCurves Application 0.7.13
SafeCurves API Explorer 0.6.1
Browser compatibility
The web user interface will work reliably with a recent (at the time of release), stable, enterprise-quality version of the following browsers:
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Datasets can be accessed via “API Explorer” ( or directly from Abley on request.
Abley encourage you to integrate via the api-explorer which provides a step-by-step guide to major GIS systems, including Esri ArcGIS Pro, Esri ArcGIS Enterprise and QGIS.
New features and Improvements
Data preparation – method improvements
- Introduction of a new sliding window method of curve identification, with dynamic window length to optimize accurate measurement of curve radius.
- Refinement to curve start-end detection to split compound curves in the same direction which have different peak minimum radii. New minimum length limit of 100 ft for straight segments between curves.
- The SafeCurves analysis is performed on all roads with (HERE Functional Class 1-4, or accurate posted speed limit) AND (has speed limit greater than 35 mph, or is a numbered route). Short roads, ramps and other roads with no road or route name are also excluded.
- Curves which are on roads where the speed limit is less than 35 mph are not categorised according to curve context.
Introduction of a new method to prioritize corridors at tribe, county and state level.
- Introduction of traffic volume data taken from the Highway Performance Management System (HPMS), for more accurate determination of the requirement for signs.
- Inclusion of justification description based on the MUTCD 11th Edition.
- Inclusion of 1 m resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to measure all curve superelevation for defined regions.
SafeCurves app
New features
Link to Playbook to help practitioners identify countermeasures
Introduction of flags to highlight where practitioners should pay attention to curve risk #11196
Introduction of fatal crashes from the Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS)
Introduction of justification description, as per the MUTCD 11th Edition #11196
Move help icon and StreetView icon to popup header #11197
Bug fixes
#11058 Fixed offset line rendering.
Fixed unclickable section, so clicks will now pass through #11126 & #11129
First feature missing from table.
Update order of features, so that FARS points are not covered by road names or Prioritize layer #11271
Known Issues or Limitations
Hard to select the line features. Selector curser has to be precisely on curve line. Identify curves are most affected.
SafeCurves Version 2024.1 beta
This technical note contains information to accompany the version 2024.1 release of SafeCurves. This software release is intended for U.S application.
- What's in this release
- Data, Applications and Compatibility
- Upgrading
- New features and Improvements
- Known Issues or Limitations
- Extra information - versioning scheme
What's in this release
SafeCurves 2024.1 beta contains the following datasets, features and utilities:
SafeCurves: Identify – A dataset that locates and categorizes the safety of individual horizontal curves in road networks in the United States.
SafeCurves: Prioritize – An accompanying dataset that offers a corridor-based method to prioritize curves for the road network of Arkansas.
SafeCurves: Interventions – An accompanying dataset that ensures systematic and consistent application of horizontal alignment signs and advisory speeds on road networks in the United States.
AbleyMIRE – Enables States to adhere to regulatory requirements on collecting and storing MIRE data.
SafeCurves Application – Enables web-based viewing of SafeCurves data on the road network of the United States.
API explorer – Enables access, selection, and connection to SafeCurves: Identify, SafeCurves: Prioritize, SafeCurves: Interventions and AbleyMIRE datasets for integration into your GIS and related systems.
Data, Applications and Compatibility
SafeCurves – Identify, Prioritize, Interventions: Abley_SafeCurves_v3_USA_20240616.gpkg
Identify: SC_ID 3.12.0,
Prioritize: SC_PR 3.12.0,
Interventions: SC_IN 3.12.0
AbleyMIRE: Abley_DataMIRE_v1_USA_20240616.gpkg
MIRE Curves: MI_CRV 1.12.0
Applications and API access
SafeCurves Application 0.5.18
SafeCurves API Explorer 0.3.10
Browser compatibility
The web user interface will work reliably with a recent (at the time of release), stable, enterprise-quality version of the following browsers:
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Data-sets can be accessed via “API Explorer” - or directly from Abley on request.
Abley encourage you to integrate via the api-explorer which provides a step by step guide to major GIS systems, including Esri ArcGIS Pro, Esri ArcGIS Enterprise and QGIS. (
New features and Improvements
Exclusion of 'curves' near lane divergence points, reclassification as straights.
Update to OperatingSpeedModel to carry forward operating speed through both sides of a possible flow split.
Introduction of TraceBranchID, to use alongside TraceStartID. Curve Grouping now must be within a single TraceBranchID.
Introduction of ApproachSpeed modifications developed in the ArDOT validation, to calculate AdvisorySpeed. Specifically reducing it for undesirable curves, and increasing it if artificially too low from prior curve.
Added Description of the Need_For_Devices, and Advisory_Sign_Justification
Excluded sign placement within 400ft of start of corridor
Excluded sign placement within line of chevrons
Adjusted sign placement to LineOnArea, and logic there to determine final spot (required to resolve the 'gaps' created by clipping out chevron points)
Excluded roads with INTERSECTION_CATEGORY, EndSegment or EndAhead from being considered for Chevron placement
Commit: d3f4743
Description: Normalized the advisory sign field for better display.
Commit: 7784bdb
Description: Data v10. AdvisorySign now accounts for different advisory plaque recommendations, advisory calc adjustments to decrease speed for out of context curves, refinements to curve grouping.
Commit: 7860761
Description: Changes for v3 schema Data v9. Curve context are now Class 1,2,3, start_position and end_position added to curves, road_name speed_limit added to advisory signs.
Commit: eb64fac
Description: Bug fix to curve grouping - groups could not start on curves > 135 degrees which weren't hairpins.
Commit: 222054f
Description: Enforce line table is created in 3D in the writer.
Commit: 4526d59
Description: Bug fix to handle the variable coordinate system - because of this bug all segments on a corridor would all get the same Terrain value.
Commit: 44ef673
Description: Version of advisory sign process which uses the prior MUTCD guidelines. Changed slightly from earlier versions of this process in that it now uses AADT as well (applying old MUTCD rules correctly).
Commit: fd615ee
Description: Change of Advisory Sign creation to MUTCD 11th Edition. New dependence on AADT for this process.
Commit: 2da4dc6
Description: Different derivation process at end, now saves estimation stats. Workable for whole USA including class 5.
Commit: a967547
Description: USA extract renamed to different sequence in prep for IRR. Expanded to include class 5 roads, more attributes still, and different filters.
Commit: bc49a19
Description: Check in of version used for publishing interventions for TRB. Signs now enforced to be the same in both directions if desired.
Commit: ac19f4a
Description: Updated estimation process, reran across whole USA for v3 HERE.
Commit: 331295e
Description: First check in of AADT derivation process, tested over a handful of states. Addition of AADT fields to HERE geopackage schema.
Commit: 77ca9f5
Description: Fix to parameter to actual use 2023 desired speeds file in process (affects 40mph roads only).
Commit: 50ce0d9
Description: Suppliers first type optimization, make it run faster.
Commit: c49f8a3
Description: Fix to speed model for new acceleration mode, straights longer than lookup were falling off. Change to chevron recommendation basis to match advisory signs.
Commit: 8de17f9
Description: Improve sign offset to have chevrons and advisories match.
Commit: 831314e
Description: Fix to projection for signs.
Commit: c4f6e10
Description: Version used for 2023_4 whole USA.
SafeCurves Application
0.5.15 2024/06/13
Added: Display error message if map searched location is not found
0.5.14 2024/06/12
Added: Display warning if no map features are visible
0.5.13 2024/06/12
Fixed: prevent navigating to an app route (map/table) that user is already on, this fixes issue where on table + Corridors/Signs tab then click Table, app navigation would take user to Curves tab unexpectedly (now it will remain)
Changed: UI lib updates for tooltip bg on dark mode and search input icon cursor
0.5.12 2024/06/11
Fixed: Advisory Speeds signs would disappear when opening Interventions layer again #11091
0.5.11 2024/06/07
Changed: add HERE attribution to map
0.5.10 2024/06/07
Changed: limit max zoom level to 16 (formerly 18)
0.5.9 2024/06/07
Removed: "and warning plaques" text in legend and popup tooltips for Alignment Signs "advance_traffic_control", "supplemental_plaque", "supplemental_plaque_value" fields from popup and table
Changed: Rename application tab title to SafeCurves app so it is visually distinct from SafeCurves landing page
Minor change to enable more precise popup placement for #11083
0.5.8 2024/06/07
Release infrastructure test
0.5.7 2024/06/06
Changed: Map state (bounds, layers, basemap) retained between map/table
0.5.6 2024/06/05
Added: 3D/ortho orientation controls
0.5.5 2024/05/31
minor code tidying/refactoring
0.5.4 2024/05/29
fix to log server connectivity on start / update log level to "info"
0.5.3 2024/05/29
ping for server connectivity, show error if cannot reach server
0.5.2 2024/05/29
migrate client-side routing to HashRouter
0.5.1 2024/05/28
update routing to remove spurious "/app/" in URL
0.5.0 2024/05/28
update Search Input so that map zooms to, but does not filter, search queries
retain search query between table and map
0.4.1 2024/05/28
update to latest API library
0.4.0 2024/05/24
various updates for new data attributes for 2024.1 dataset
0.3.0 2024/05/22
add satellite imagery layer / display road names on top of Prioritize layer / split layer/legend into three buttons
0.2.3 2024/05/22
update internal constants for release / further minor dark mode fixes
0.2.2 2024/05/21
minor dark mode fixes
0.2.1 2024/05/17
update map symbology /minor design feedback updates
fixes: map area below legend, when open, could not be interacted with "Priority" shown twice in popup for Prioritize layer
0.2.0 2024/05/17
enable basic Dark Mode support / incorporate design feedback / disable Prioritize legend if API key has no access to Prioritize data / table pagination now sticks to table (if smaller), but won't overflow footer / enable scroll within legends on smaller screens
0.1.0 2024/05/15
home button added to map (goes to the full extent of the Identify layer)
search box will filter results (by road name/county) shown on the map, i.e. "hot spring" to see only data from Hot Spring county, or "sulphur" to only see data from Sulphur Springs Rd
search box allows coordinates to be pasted in, the map will zoom/pan to the coordinates
API Explorer button added to toolbar / popups for signs include image in the popup header
Initial release
Known Issues or Limitations
Offset line rendering. Occasionally an offset curve line is clipped. Work-around - Zooming in or out.
Hard to select the line features. Selector curser has to be precisely on curve line. Identify curves are most affected.
Extra information - versioning scheme
SafeCurves 2024.1
SC_ID x.y.z (SafeCurves: Identify)
SC_PR x.y.z (SafeCurves: Prioritize)
SC_IN x.y.z (SafeCurves Interventions)
API _EX a.b.c
APP_SC a.b.c
Data Mire 2024.1
MI_CRV x.y.z
Data (consumed/served)
SC_ID x.y.z
X = Output Schema version / API version
Y = Output Data version (major)
Z = Output Data version (minor)
SC_PR x.y.z
X = Output Schema version / API version
Y = Output Data version (major)
Z = Output Data version (minor)
SC_IN x.y.z
X = Output Schema version / API version
Y = Output Data version (major)
Z = Output Data version (minor)
API _EX a.b.c
a = major
b = minor
c = patch
APP_SC a.b.c
a = major
b = minor
c = patch
Data (consumed/served)
MI_CRV x.y.z
X = Output Schema version / API version
Y = Output Data version (major)
Z = Output Data version (minor)
All SC_ products increment with same X at the same time (API versions in lock-step)
All SC_ products increment with a Y number that increments, regardless if X increments (Data versions always increment, regardless of API version)
Empower Your Road Safety Efforts
With SafeCurves, swiftly and effectively identify, prioritize, and implement countermeasures for high-risk curves. This proactive approach saves lives by addressing potential dangers before crashes occur.

Get in touch
If you’ve got a question or want to chat to us further about Abley SafeCurves, complete the form and we’ll respond as soon as possible.
We look forward to talking with you.