Pioneering Urban Transport Solutions  

Abley's proposal on revitalising New Zealand’s cities with horsepower.

Today, in a ground-breaking move towards sustainable urban transport solutions, Abley, a leading transportation consultancy firm specialising in road safety, urban planning and transport design, has unveiled a visionary concept to tackle New Zealand’s growing transport congestion, infrastructure costs, and road trauma. 

The proposal seeks to reintroduces the concept of horse-drawn vehicles into city streets but also introduces the innovative concept of urban commuter stables for those who prefer to ride to work. 

Rethinking Urban Mobility 

Abley’s concept challenges the status quo of urban transportation by proposing a return to a tried-and-tested mode of travel: horse riding and horse-drawn vehicles. Drawing from historical precedent and modern urban design principles, the proposal offers a fresh perspective on how a modern city can address pressing issues such as carbon emissions and traffic congestion while fostering a more sustainable and liveable urban environment.

Harnessing the Power of Tradition 

At the heart of Abley’s proposal is a recognition of the inherent sustainability and efficiency of horse-drawn transport. By reintroducing horse-drawn carriages or carts into city centres, Abley envisions a future where residents and visitors can enjoy a cleaner, quieter, and more enjoyable travel experience. Moreover, the concept of urban commuter stables plays a crucial role in supporting this vision by providing a central hub for commuters to store and care for their horses during their working day. 

Fiscal Constraints and Sustainable Solutions 

Against the backdrop of fiscal constraints and reduced Government spending, Abley’s concept offers a ray of hope for cash-strapped New Zealand cities, and beyond. By leveraging existing infrastructure and repurposing underutilised urban spaces for urban commuter stables, Abley’s proposal minimizes the need for costly infrastructure investments and will put any neigh-sayers out to pasture. Additionally, the cost-effective nature of horse-drawn transport, coupled with its low environmental impact, aligns with the imperative to find sustainable solutions that deliver value for money in the long term. 

An example of a recent urban stable

Addressing the Cost of Living 

As the cost of living continues to rise, affordability has become a pressing concern for residents. Abley acknowledges this reality and offers a transportation vision that is not only environmentally friendly but also economically viable. By providing an alternative to expensive car ownership and fuel costs, horse-drawn transport, supported by urban commuter stables, offers a more accessible and equinable means of getting around urban areas, particularly for those facing financial constraints. 

Integrating Modern Technology 

While grounded in tradition, Abley’s concept also embraces modern technology to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of horse-drawn transport.
The proposal includes the development of a user-friendly smartphone app that allows commuters to easily locate and reserve space in urban commuter stables, as well as book on-demand carriage services making it easier than ever for city dwellers to incorporate horse-drawn transport into their daily lives. 

Abley’s concept on revitalising cities with horse-drawn transport and urban commuter stables, released today, April 1st 2024, represents a bold and forward-thinking approach to urban mobility. By blending tradition with innovation, Abley offers a compelling solution for a more sustainable, efficient, and enjoyable urban transport system.  

As cities around the world strive to address the challenges of the 21st century, Abley’s proposal offers a 19th century option and serves as a beacon of tradition and hope.  The proposal demonstrates that by embracing the past and harnessing the power of technology, we can create a brighter and more sustainable future for all starting on April 1st 2024.