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Abley Apr 20242 min read

Abley presenting at the Transportation 2023 conference

The Abley team is looking forward to attending and presenting at Transportation 2023 being held in Tauranga from 28-31 March.

The focus of the event is how we care for people and our communities by working to improve health and wellbeing. The conference will explore how transportation contributes to four dimensions of the Te Whare Tapa Whā model. These four dimensions being:

  • Taha tinana – Physical Health
  • Taha wairua – Spiritual well-being
  • Taha hinengaro – Mental and emotional well-being
  • Taha whānau – Social well-being
Transportation Group conference 2023

This conference provides an opportunity to share and learn about the latest projects, research and developments around how transport can support Te Whare Tapa Whā.

Abley will be sharing insights from recent projects and thought provoking think pieces, from our team members based throughout Aotearoa.

From Christchurch, Jeanette Ward, will share a presentation on “Helping to Create Healthy Places” with content about the Pedestrian Network Guidance (PNG). She will also examine a typical project process and how the PNG provides on-going guidance throughout the planning and design journey and the connection to health and wellbeing. And Ann-Marie Head will present on the crossing selection process through the practical application of real-world examples. These examples will include crossings in different street and environment contexts and how to get more people walking more often.

From our Wellington office, Jo Draper will provide a korero on Pick up and Drop Off (PUDO) areas at schools and how they can be best used. She will touch on considerations of outcomes to encourage active travel and how to best make use of scarce resources. Meghan James will present on what the community vehicle trust is and how their service model can support connectivity in rural areas across New Zealand. Jae Morse will provide a sobering presentation on fatal crash reporting. Often reporting of fatal crashes focusses on the network impacts of a crash, rather than the tragic and unnecessary loss of life.

Our Auckland team members presenting include Shendi Mani, who will reflect on the resilience of our public transport system and potential areas of improvement that can be made for a sustainable future. And Liam Bramley will present on increasing density in urban areas, considering whether transportation options are aligning with this increase in urban density.

Clare Cassidy and Bridget Carden, two of our remote employees based in Tauranga and Hamilton respectively, have a joint presentation about aligning transport design in new developments with vision zero and best practice. The presentation looks at why this isn’t happening now, and how we can remove some of the barriers.

Be sure to look out for these presentations if you’re attending the conference. We look forward to sharing our work, catching up with others in the industry and plenty of learnings at conference. We hope to see you there!