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Abley Apr 20243 min read

Calling all job seekers!

How do you find the job application process?  Easy, clear, frustrating, or confusing? Do you find that you are kept in the dark on how your application is progressing? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is often a resounding ‘yes’. 

Providing a great candidate experience

Having a great candidate experience regardless of whether you land the job or not, cannot be under-estimated.  Research tells us that the candidate experience leaves a lasting impression, and at Abley we want all candidates to have an overwhelmingly positive experience.

This is done through the touchpoints we provide throughout the process.  This starts with our careers page. A recent revamp of these pages is testament to the beginnings of a great candidate experience.  Not only is all the job information provided, the recruitment process outlined, but what Abley stands for as an organisation. You will have a great insight into the culture of Abley and you get a sneak peek into some of the fun times we have as a team. 

What if you want to work for Abley, but the right job is not advertised?  Well, we still want to hear from you.  There is a ‘Connect’ button on our Careers page, that allows you to connect with us. Indicate the area you are interested in working in and simply upload your CV.  Those CVs are checked within a few days of receiving them, and you never know, we might be back in touch much quicker than you expect.

The ups and downs

From an employer perspective there are lots and ups and downs when recruiting.  The ‘ups’ of recruitment is without doubt, the great people we meet when an application progresses through to the interview stage.  Interviews aren’t just about us finding out more about a candidate’s experience, but we are also being interviewed too (by you!).  So, while you get a glimpse of what Abley is about on our website, the real nuggets come out in the interview. 

Those interviewed are usually contacted within 48 hours to be advised of the outcome.  Comprehensive feedback is provided to those who are unsuccessful.  These are tough conversations, but a common courtesy owed to those who give up their time to talk to us.  While disappointed, people appreciate honest feedback. The ‘downs’ of recruitment is when we have to say ‘no’ at the outset.  

job seeker

We read 100’s of CVs and unfortunately only a few of these progress to an interview.  So how do you say ‘no’ in the nicest possible way.  By communicating in a manner that provides a lasting impression.  We do this by providing meaningful feedback as to ‘why’ your application was unsuccessful and urging you to stay in touch, all in a timely manner. Recently I received an email from an unsuccessful candidate.

‘Thanks for making time in reviewing my application.  I genuinely appreciate the honest feedback and for informing me the reason why my application is not aligned to your company’s expectation.’

While an applicant might not be suitable for Abley at the moment, they may be in the future.’ The biggest ‘up’ of recruitment is when we progress through to an offer and (hopefully) an acceptance.  I always have a ‘fist pump’ moment when this happens.  Those acceptances represent the team we have at Abley today.  A diverse, fun, smart bunch of professionals who produce amazing technical work for our clients.

Accredited Employer with Immigration New Zealand

The employment market has been very tight while our borders have been closed.  Now they have reopened, we are seeing more international candidates coming through, which is exciting. Abley is an accredited employer with Immigration NZ, so we can support our successful international recruits in gaining their work visa. 

We also want to hear from those already in New Zealand.  If you think you have a skillset that aligns with the work we do, please get in touch.

Girl working at desk

The Abley team biking to lunch in central Christchurch