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Abley Apr 20241 min read

Abley presenting at the Australasian Road Safety Conference (28-30 Sep)

road to zeroWith just under 2 weeks to go, our team is looking forward to attending and presenting at the Australasian Road Safety Conference 2022 (ARSC). The conference is being held in Ōtautahi Christchurch at the recently opened Te Pae Convention Centre from 28-30 September, with a key theme of “Changing Today for Tomorrow”.

It is expected that over 600 road safety professionals from around the world will attend the conference, both in person and online. The conference includes a wide variety of road safety-themed workshops and field trips, along with an interesting programme of speakers covering safe road design, safety and sustainability, vehicle technology and much more!

Abley is taking on an active role at the conference as Platinum sponsors, while Paul Durdin is the Co-Chair of the ARSC organising committee and Dr. Shane Turner is the Chair of the Scientific sub-committee.

Abley presentations at ARSC

Paul has three presentations, including the (recently published) Aotearoa speed management guide, improving road safety benefit calculations, and using “Vision Zero” modelling to transform New South Wales’ road network.

Shane Turner has two presentations. He will delve into road safety priorities and analysis tools in Indonesia, and discuss a speed management evaluation on Council roads in Melbourne.

Situational safety is the core theme of Dale Harris’ presentation on proactive methods for assessing safety at rural crossroads. Dale will also share the work Abley has been doing on the national assessment of safety around schools in New Zealand and a research project into alcohol-related crash data and crash trends in New Zealand.

Our other presentations include:

Jeanette Ward will present her work on prioritising pedestrians in a Safe System.

Lewis Martin will look at the Auckland Transport Safe Speed Programme.

Aini Fayaz Mansoor and Jeanette Ward are presenting on urban street speed predictions.

Gavin Jeter is presenting on potential applications of SafeView.

Our team members attending are looking forward to catching up with clients and industry peers. We hope to see you there, make sure you visit our team at the exhibition booth!