What is AbleyMIRE?
The Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) is a recommended list of 205 roadway characteristic and traffic inventory elements critical to safety management.
The list was developed by the Federal Highway Administration and its purpose is to help agencies identify safety problems and how best to treat them.
- Included
- Excluded
8. Route Number FDE
9. Route/Street Name FDE
10. Begin Point Segment Descriptor FDE
11. End Point Segment Descriptor FDE
12. Segment Identifier FDE
13. Segment Length FDE
19. Functional Class FDE
20. Rural/Urban Designation FDE
23. Access Control FDE
24. Surface Type FDE
32. Number of Through Lanes FDE
55. Median Type FDE
93. One/Two-Way Operations FDE
110. Unique Junction Identifier FDE
112. Location Identifier for Road 1 Crossing Point FDE
113. Location Identifier for Road 2 Crossing Point FDE
121. Intersection/Junction Traffic Control FDE
4. Type of Governmental Ownership FDE
18. Direction of Inventory FDE
21. Federal Aid FDE
22. Route Type FDE
81. Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) FDE
82. AADT Year FDE
4. Type of Governmental Ownership FDE
116. Intersection/Junction Geometry FDE
Who we are
Abley is a specialist New Zealand owned transport planning, road safety and geospatial technology company. Founded in 2003, we work with organisations in New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, U.S., and Canada across central, local government and large organisations.
We develop transport strategies and infrastructure solutions that support safer travel, improved accessibility, and greater mobility for our clients and in turn, their customers.
The products and services that we design leverage our expertise in transport planning, engineering, road safety, location data and geospatial systems.
We are passionate about inspiring positive change.