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CarbonWise is Toitū Carbon Compatible!

Written by Abley | Apr 2024

In late 2022, our commuting emissions software CarbonWiseTM was meticulously audited by Toitū Envirocare. The certification body found that the CarbonWise methodology for capturing and calculating employee commuting emissions is Toitū Carbon Compatible.

In a nutshell, CarbonWiseTM allows large organisations to capture how their employees commute, calculates associated emissions, and gives both the employer and employees insights. Data collection is done via an industry best practice employee survey.

The CarbonWise methodology for producing a Toitū carbon compatible report and its associated GHG emissions has been independently verified by Toitū Envirocare. The data is suitable for use in an ISO 14064-1:2018 compliant inventory, including a Toitū carbonreduce or Toitū net carbonzero certified inventory.”

In practice this means that it will be straightforward for sustainability teams to use commuter data from CarbonWise in the Toitū audit and verification process.

CarbonWise was already the first commuting emissions software in NZ, and it is now the first to be verified for this level of compliance. It is defining a robust standard for including commuter emissions in greenhouse gas inventories, so organisations using CarbonWise will be able to reliably track reductions and benchmark their commuting footprint against similar organisations.

To find out more about the software and how it could work for your organisation, visit the CarbonWise webpage.