Our News | Abley

Award win at the Australasian Road Safety Conference 2021

Written by Abley | Oct 2021

Our road safety team shared their expertise at this year’s Australasian Road Safety Conference.

  • Jay Baththana won ‘Best submission by a new practitioner award’ for his work using community feedback to complement road safety risk metrics.
  • Dr Shane Turner presented – ‘Developing safe system projects and programs using safety science methods’ and ‘Improving the evaluation of Victoria’s road safety program’.
  • Paul Durdin is Co-Chair of the New Zealand chapter.  

With the theme ‘Towards zero – a fresh approach’ the Australasian Road Safety Conference brought road safety experts together from around the world. Despite this year’s virtual event, participants were able to connect and engage with industry peers and participate safely regardless of location or travel restrictions. We hope to see you at next year’s conference in September, to be held in Christchurch in conjunction with the Trafinz conference.