Our News | Abley

Wellness week at work

Written by Abley | Apr 2024

In celebration of Wellbeing Week (22-28 June), Abley introduced some new wellbeing initiatives and organised some wellness-focused activities for the team.

The week began with the launch of ‘Flex-Abley’ a flexible working solution to help us achieve better work-life balance and relieve the stress of meeting the needs of family and other commitments while still being productive at work.

During the week, there was a Meditation and Pranayama session run by Charlotte Harris, team members enjoyed our monthly massages, and there was a lunch time yoga session led by Jeanette Ward. Jeanette runs yoga sessions twice weekly in our Christchurch office (and via video for any Abley staff member around NZ) and has a growing following of yogi enthusiasts, including myself!

A nurse came in to do personal health checks for those who wanted to get their basic health checked – I personally learned a thing or two about my cholesterol (less chocolate and wine in my diet!).

There was a “Financial Fitness” presentation by ANZ on budgeting, debt, investing, Kiwisaver and insurance – all very useful at a time of financial strain for many.

Dietician Lea Stening came in to talk to us about nutrition. It was very refreshing to receive sensible information that cuts through the din of current diet fads. I was particularly pleased to discover carbs are not only good but essential and we can still enjoy a life of take-aways and alcohol without completely ruining our health – it’s all about moderation and quality.

The week ended with a delicious and nutritious lunch with some mouthwatering desserts. Thank you Abley for spoiling us, we loved and appreciated these wellbeing initiatives!