Our News | Abley

Supporting the Waimakariri Integrated Transport Strategy

Written by Abley | Apr 2024

Waimakariri District Council have recently adopted and published an Integrated Transport Strategy. Abley are delighted to have assisted Council with the preparation of this and we look forward to seeing it come to life in the district.

Waimakariri is a rapidly growing district with large urban and rural areas that face different challenges and opportunities relating to population and economic growth. Abley and Waimakariri District Council facilitated workshops with stakeholders, community board members, and Councillors to understand the challenges faced by the district.

We used this feedback to develop five key moves to manage the district’s transport needs into the future. The key moves were developed to achieve the vision of a district where it is safe, easy, and sustainable to journey to where we want to go. They are to:

  • Create a well-connected multi-modal district to support modal choice
  • Integrate land use and transport to underpin higher-density living in urban areas
  • Design the transport network for the efficient movement of freight…
  • Deliver a safe transport system for everyone
  • Support alternative travel choices…

The strategy encourages an integrated, and collaborative approach to transportation investment in the district out to 2035 and beyond.

View the Strategy here