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Learning to Fish with Abley Auckland

Written by Admin | Apr 2024

Xinghao Chen shares her experience out on the water with Abley’s Auckland office.

Recently I had the opportunity to go on my first fishing trip with my Abley colleagues.

It was a windy and overcast day in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland when we set off on our fishing adventure. When we arrived at our first spot near Rangitoto lighthouse, I quickly realized that the waves were too big, and I thought that our trip would be over. However, the captain decided to take us to a different location, and we headed towards Te Motu-a-Ihenga Motuihe Island.

The new spot was much calmer and more static than the previous one. I was relieved that I didn’t have to battle the waves to catch a fish. Everyone was very helpful and showed me how to use a fishing rod and reel. The most challenging part for me was putting bait on the hook securely. I lost a lot of bait without catching anything. However with the team’s guidance, I eventually managed to do it!

After a couple of hours fishing, I managed to catch four fish but unfortunately, they were all too small to keep. It was disappointing not to catch anything worth keeping, but the experience of being out on the water and trying my hand at fishing was still enjoyable especially since my team shared a fish with me to take home.

As the sun started to set, we made our way back to the harbor. The night view of Auckland city and the harbor bridge was stunning. It was a great way to end our trip. Overall, my first fishing trip with Abley was a fantastic experience. I learned a lot about fishing and enjoyed being out on the water with my colleagues.

Debajeet Baruah and his son with a Kingfish.