Our News | Abley

Auckland team take on ‘Round the Bays’

Written by Abley | Apr 2024

The Abley Auckland team participated in the Ports of Auckland ‘Round the Bays’ fun run again this year, held on Sunday 8th March. 

Nine Abley staff (pictured left to right: Glenn, Shendi, Courtney, Rahul, Ruby, Shane, Fiona and Jo) took part in the 8.4km walk/run along Auckland waterfront.

It was an earlier start than usual for many on a Sunday with the race starting at 9.30am, on a warm and sunny day. As the race progressed, our team began to spread along the waterfront and were amassed with the 24,000 other participants.

The race was all over within an hour for most, with one member of the Abley team members completing the race in their personal record time.  Unsurprisingly that was Shane Ingley, who aside from being a Senior Transportation Engineer, is also a part-time gym instructor. Shane completed the race in an impressive 33 minutes and 40 seconds. His amazing effort placed him 118th overall out of everyone who completed the race.

Overall, it was a successful event for Abley at Round the Bays 2020 with most staff beating their times from last year.  The team is looking forward to taking part again next year, and perhaps even closing the gap to Shane!