Our News | Abley

Art masterclass at Paint n Sip!

Written by Abley | Apr 2024

On Tuesday evening Abley employees, family and friends switched out their keyboards for a paint brush and pallet and enjoyed a good old Paint n Sip! We decided to change things up this time and go for a group mural which could be hung in the office.

We decided to go for something simple, or so we thought! Turns out a landscape of Sumner and Christchurch is quite detailed. But, thanks to the perfect sketch done by the Paint n Sip staff and their careful guidance all the paintings turned out very well – and it all lined up!

This was a great activity for our creativity, team work and ability to work under time pressure – 2 hours isn’t as long as you think!

Everyone was pleasantly surprised with how it turned out. Have a look of for the mural next time you are in the office.