Our News | Abley

Abley’s response to COVID-19

Written by Abley | Apr 2024

Guidance for visiting our offices from 3 December 2021

Protecting the health and wellbeing of our people, clients, whānau and communities is our top priority.  

From Friday 3rd December 2021, Abley requires all visitors to Abley offices, or those attending an Abley event, to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

This applies under all levels of the Ministry of Health COVID Protection Framework (traffic light system). Following our detailed workplace risk assessment, we believe that applying a requirement for visitors to be fully vaccinated to enter our offices is the right approach to take.

What this means for you

All visitors to Abley offices will be required to show a My Vaccine Pass upon entry to our premises from 3 December 2021. On arrival, you will also need to scan in with the NZ COVID app and use our visitor sign in tablet.

Mask wearing is encouraged, but not mandatory in Abley offices under the traffic light system.

For anyone who is not fully vaccinated, we ask that you speak with your meeting host to arrange an alternative to meeting in our offices.

We will continue to update and review our policy as the situation around COVID-19 evolves. Thank you for your support in implementing this policy. If you have any questions please contact admin@abley.com