Our News | Abley

Abley takes part in Canterbury Rowing Club’s Corporate Challenge

Written by Abley | Apr 2024

In early May, the Abley Corporate Rowing crew took part in the Canterbury Rowing Club’s 2023 Corporate Challenge. The challenge consisted of an indoor relay competition and a regatta day. 

The crew started training in March with two trainings a week on the water at Kerr’s Reach. Our team consisted of Aini Fayaz Mansoor, Ann-Marie Head, Christina Lucas, Daisy Scrace, Gavin Jeter, Lizzie Garside, Nicole Alfeld & Steve Abley with special mentions to Reender Buikema and Richard Fry who joined us for the indoor competition and to Grace Kuru for participating in the training.   

We saw our competitors for the first time at the indoor competition where 11 teams lined up. We raced in a 2000m relay, with each person rowing 250 meters. With some great transitions and sheer enthusiasm we managed a well-earned 6th place but rowers aren’t made on the erg. Coming into the regatta, we were feeling good. We put down the watts (and the crabs) and came away with a respectable 6th place again.  

Overall, our team loved taking part in the challenge and everyone came away with a great sense of comradery.  

We will be back next year!