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Abley Pink Ribbon breakfasts + menopause presentation

Written by Abley | Apr 2024

On Tuesday 30th May, Abley “came together for good” to host Pink Ribbon breakfast events in our Christchurch and Wellington offices, to help raise funds for the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ. 

Following a delicious breakfast, attendees enjoyed an insightful presentation by Niki Bezzant, who shared her expertise on menopause – the symptoms, the myths and how to be a menopause ally to the women in your life.

Given that one quarter of the female population will be menopausal by 2030, Abley recognises this is a significant women’s health condition that needs to be understood by everyone in the workplace. This online presentation was available for our whole Abley team to attend, so everyone can learn, support others and start the menopause conversation.

Our events raised around $800 for breast cancer research, education and patient support and was a great opportunity to bring ladies together from a range of industries to share our stories and support for each other.

We look forward to doing this again next year!