Our Insights | Abley

What is your favourite microcontroller?

Written by Abley | Apr 2024

What is your favourite microcontroller?

What is your favourite microcontroller?  This was the beginning of a conversation I overheard between two of my colleagues as I walked past them on my way to the kitchen.  As I was making a mug of Earl Grey I started to think about the question, not because I know much, if anything, about microcontrollers, but rather because the conversation was happening.

New colleagues 

Abley has a tradition that after someone new starts, of which there has been many this year, the new starter gives a 15 minute presentation about themselves to the entire company during a lunch and learn session on a Friday afternoon.  There is no particular format, people use whatever medium that suits them to tell everyone a little about their life journey. 

 And so it was that one of my new colleagues talked about their life growing up in Afghanistan and how they used to enjoy making things out of various electronic toys and how this has grown into a hobby.  Another of my new colleagues also has an interest in electronic tinkering and so soon after the presentation the conversation began.  As for the outcome I have no idea, I can’t tell my Altera from my Atmel, but the fact the conversation happened firstly highlighted why the introduce yourself presentations are so useful, and secondly highlighted the broad depth of knowledge that many technical staff have at Abley.  

How location technology inspires technical solutions

Sipping on my tea I also reflected on how the location technology industry has changed so much during my career – for the better.  Both colleagues work within the Location Solutions team here at Abley.  Once a map would have been the sole output for a project, today that would be highly unusual.   And where once a discussion may have been had about the latest Esri update, today we are discussing the Metaverse, Blockchain, IoT, AR/VR, AI/ML, and yes even microcontrollers. 

 Today we are less concerned with the ‘map’, but rather how location compliments, enables, integrates and inspires technical solutions for our clients. If that involves microcontrollers then bring it on.