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Survey + Spatial conference: The Big Reveal (new AR tools)

Written by Abley | Apr 2024

Gavin Jeter, Principal FME Specialist, is looking forward to presenting alongside Richard Harrison from Global Survey, at the 2022 Survey + Spatial Conference being held in Rotorua 1-3 August. The conference theme this year is “Turning up the heat” which will focus on challenges in regional areas, including climate change and developments outside of Auckland.

The Big Reveal presentation:

There are some kinds of heat that no professional wants to feel.  The uncomfortable prickle down the back of the neck which comes from not understanding exactly what lays hidden from sight before you excavate, drive in a spike or drill a wall.  This revealing session demonstrates the power of blending vGIS Augmented Reality tools, accurate positioning sensors and high quality 3D spatial data.  You will gain an intuitive understanding of what is hidden below and around you, and turn your future plans into an “Augmented” reality. 

For many, your first exposure to AR would have been the NZIS Conference in Invercargill in 2012, when Campbell Hills (now Director at C Hughes & Assocs, Cromwell) presented his paper showing LINZ data overlaid on a live Smartphone video feed.  Many of the challenges Campbell identified with data preparation, the availability of suitable sensors for exterior and interior environments, and development of intuitive 3D visualisation tools are now resolved through the tools and technologies covered in this paper. 

Gavin and Richard will explain what you need to know about the technology, outline the factors that make your 3D (or 2D) data look amazing, and view some real-world applications in the transportation, roading and buildings arena across New Zealand.