Our Insights | Abley

This year’s REAAA Roadshow – New Zealand transport working for change

Written by Abley | Apr 2024

What is the vision for the future of transport over the next 30 years? How do we go about building happy, healthy and sustainable towns and cities where everyone can travel safely and independently irrespective of age and ability? Come and listent to Daisy Scrase provide an overview of the recently updated Pedestrian Network Guidance and profile of customer needs to help contractors understand the wider transport vision. Daisy will also provide tips and tools for how contractors can delivery safe, effective delivery programs without cost blow outs. Daisy is presenting at REAAA Christchurch, at Rydges Latimer on the 17 October.


Road to zero isn’t just a national problem but something that we, as practitioners, should be aspiring to achieve on a global scale. Approximately 93% of the world’s fatalities on the roads occur in low and middle income countries, even though these countries have approximately 60% of the world’s vehicles (WHO).  At REAAA 2022, Lewis Martin highlights how the Safe System Approach can be implemented in countries with different incomes, vehicle compositions, road user cultures and crash data limitations. Lewis explores why we must move away from historical road safety approaches and execute change with the greatest social benefit in mind and presents a global safety narrative that highlights what changes are needed most. Listen to his presentation at REAAA Auckland (12 October), Taupo (13 October), Wellington (14 October) or Christchurch (17 October).