Our Insights | Abley

How far can your car get you?

Written by Abley | Apr 2024

Marco Poetsch prepared a map comparing how far different car types can drive on $5 worth of fuel.

This map was created by combining the OpenStreetMap road network, traffic controls data (e.g. whether a left turn is allowed), the cost of fuel and the distance various cars can travel per litre (consumption sourced from Rightcar NZ). To represent a broader portion of the vehicle fleet, common 2012 vehicle models were used rather than brand new vehicle imports.

Looking at this map, who should feel range anxiety now – electric or petrol car drivers?! Jokes aside, electric and small petrol cars are much cheaper to run than their larger counterparts

Sound obvious? Yes, and electric vehicle sales are rapidly increasing. Yet, the NZ and global auto industry is also selling lots more oversized vehicles than ever before.

As drivers become more aware of their mobility costs, they may want to change their transport behaviour. Employers can play an important role in enabling alternatives to single-occupancy car use. Employee commutes are an excellent place to try something different.

Abley has been doing work in this space for many years now and recently launched a commuting emissions tool called CarbonWise. This software streamlines the process of doing an employee travel survey, then delivers insights to organisations on travel patterns and associated carbon emissions.

Employees looking to reduce their car use can also check out these 5 tips to reduce their commuting emissions.

Thanks Lewis Martin and Benjamin Walch for your insights also! 


Map 1: travel range with different vehicle types