This was the first time the conference had been held in Malaysia and I was honoured to attend as part of the New Zealand chapter of EASTS. Along with Jean-Paul Thull from the New Zealand chapter, we were also joined by at least four members of the Australian chapter.
Over 500 papers were presented at the conference, with topics across the transport sector, through 11 concurrent sessions with 9 presentation streams and 5 poster sessions. In addition to Malaysians, there was a high number of papers and attendees from Japan, Taiwan and India. There were many road safety presentations and posters, several of which involved research around Asia specific safety issues, and especially motorcycle safety.
There were also several keynote speakers and plenary discussion forums. One of these forums ‘Bridging the Gap in Mobility’ included discussion on Road Safety, with one of the panel members being Ingrid Johnston, the CEO of ACRS. Other key topic mentioned in the plenary sessions were the:
2 The five mega/major trends/challenges facing society; 1. Climate Change, 2. Ageing Infrastructure, 3. Technology Dependent Populations, 4. Older Population and 5. Rapid Urbanisation. Discussion on how does transport need to respond to these trends.
3 Poor Data Availability and Quality, especially in LMICs. Not measuring transport problems, makes it harder to develop focused programs to fix them. The increased availability of big data and AI could help fill data gaps.
4 Key transport areas that need much more focus in LMIC, including 1) road safety, 2) enforcement effectiveness (e.g. speed limits) and resilience to disasters. Lack of progress in these areas is holding back LMICs in prospering.
5 Importance of Capacity Building. There needs to be more training available in traffic engineering fundamentals (including road safety) and sustainable transport.
There was a lot of interesting material presented in the road safety area, including:
While a number of studies looked at motorcyclist safety there is still a big gap in the understanding of how to build safer infrastructure for this mode. Also, there is limited research on the effectiveness of safety improvement treatments. According to WHO, exclusive motorcycle lanes are the only treatment with a robust crash reduction factor. Given the issues with obtaining quality crash data in LMICs, the emphasis should be on using surrogate measures, like reducing traffic conflicts and speed, to measure effectiveness.
Many of these topics need further discussion. Watch this space for more blogs.
The next EASTS conference will be in October 2025 in Surakarta, Java, Indonesia. For more information on EASTS refer to: